Inese Ozola
Dr. philol.Amats
- Sociālo un humanitāro zinātņu institūts - asociētā profesore; pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O
16:00 - 17:00, Valodu centrs: Pils, 3. stāvs, 324.kabinets
Lūgums pieteikties, rakstot e-pastu vai īsajā čatā e-studijās. Otra konsultāciju diena ir ceturtdiena, jāpiesakās individuāli.
Studiju kursi
- Profesionālā angļu valoda I
- Profesionālā angļu valoda I
- Profesionālā angļu valoda
- Angļu valoda ekonomistiem I
- Angļu valoda maģistratūrā
- Starpkultūru komunikācija
- Profesionālā angļu valoda I
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Revisiting group work method in the context of non-formal education / Anna Vintere, Inese Ozola
- English vocabulary enrichment in non-formal adult education during international non-language training courses / Inese Ozola, Anna Vintere
- English vocabulary enrichment in non-formal adult education during international non-language training courses / Inese Ozola, Anna Vintere
- Enhancing students' employability skills through international project IWBLabs / I. Ozola, D. Grasmane
- Development of employability skills in adult education / Inese Ozola, Baiba Rivža.
- Professional foreign language competence for successful integration into the labour market / Anna Vintere, Inese Ozola, Santa Krumina
- Review on scientific work at the Faculty of Social Sciences, 2001-2013 = Pārskats par zinātnisko darbu Sociālo zinātņu fakultātē, 2001-2013 / Gunārs Brāzma, Sarmīte Bremze, Jānis Ķusis, Inese Ozola
- Undergraduate engineering students’ perception of framework of ESP courses at University curriculum / A. Pētersone, I. Ozola
- Svešvalodu apguves izaicinājumi un risinājumi LLU Eiropas Savienības kontekstā / Inese Ozola, Daina Grasmane
- Using audio materials for ESP vocabulary acquisition / I. Ozola
- Students’ perceptions of the quality of teaching english for specific purposes at Latvia University of Agriculture / D. Grasmane, I. Ozola,
- Academic listening in foreign languages: lexical processing of spoken texts in speciality / Inese Ozola
- English language studies as a stimulating factor for using the e-environment at the Latvia University of Agriculture / I. Ozola, A. Zeidmane
- Changing priorities and emphasis of foreign language acquisition skills for university students in the European Union context / I. Ozola, D. Grasmane
- The assessment aspects of e-learning courses at Latvia University of Agriculture / A. Zeidmane, I. Ozola, A. Zujevs
- E-environment impact on improving students’ english language knowledge at Latvia University of Agriculture = E-vides loma angļu valodas zināšanu pilnveidošanā Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātē / Inese Ozola, Anda Zeidmane
- Changing priorities and emphasis of foreign language acquisition skills for university students in the European Union context / I. Ozola, D. Grasmane
- Etniskās identitātes konstruēšanas problēmas Latvijas reģionos / Larisa Brokāne, Inese Ozola, Linda Feldmane
- Intelligent use of energy in engineeering education / Anda Zeidmane, Inese Ozola
- Role of self-employment in the sustainable economic development / Inguna Leibus, Inese Ozola, Aļona Irmeja
- Problems of construction an ethnic identity in Latvia rural area = Проблемы конструирования этнической идентичности в сельских регионах Латвии / L. Brokane, I. Ozola, S. Nackalne, L. Feldmane
- Terminology of intelligent energy use: translation issues / Inese Ozola