Ilze Upīte
Dr. oec.Amati
- Administratīvais centrs - kvalitātes vadības speciāliste
- Uzņēmējdarbības un vadībzinātnes institūts - vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
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Zinātniskās publikācijas
- When pesticide reduction objectives meet business as usual: Possible impacts on the crop sector in Latvia / Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite, Agnese Krievina, Aija Pilvere
- European Union farm to fork strategy: pesticide use reduction possibilities / Aija Pilvere, Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite, Aleksejs Nipers
- Bioekonomikas stratēģija Latvijā un tās īstenošana / Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Ilze Upīte
- European Union farm to fork strategy: fertilizer use reduction possibilities / Aija Pilvere, Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite, Aleksejs Nipers
- Investment promotion and attraction to bioeconomy industries in Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite, Aleksejs Nipers, Aija Pilvere
- Productivity in bioeconomy industries in Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite, Aleksejs Nipers, Aija Pilvere
- Replacement of non-renewable resources with sustainable bioresources in public procurement in Latvia / Ilze Upite, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers
- Result-oriented efficient and sustainable resource management in forestry in Latvia / Ilze Upite, Aija Pilvere, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers
- Impacts of COVID-19 on the food supply chain for arable crops in Latvia / Ilze Upite, Dina Bite, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers
- Predictable and stable tax policy for the bioeconomy sector / Ilze Upite, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers
- LASAM model: an important tool in the decision support system for policymakers and farmers / Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Agnese Krievina, Ilze Upite, Daniels Kotovs
- Vietējo pārtikas ķēžu pārstrukturizēšana un noturības stiprināšana krīzes un pēckrīzes laikā Latvijā : zinātniska monogrāfija / redakcijas kolēģija: Dr.oec. Irina Pilvere (galvenā redaktore), Dr.oec. Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Dr.oec. Aina Muška [un vēl 3 redaktori] ; latviešu valodas redaktore Ausma Mukāne ; angļu valodas redaktors Sandris Ancāns ; vāka dizains: Astra Strance ; zinātniskie recenzenti: Dr.agr. Voldemārs Strīķis, Pēteris Rivža, Dr. Eugene Eteris ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, LLU APP Dārzkopības institūts.
- Resilience of milk supply chains during and after the COVID-19 crisis in Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite, Aina Muska, Kristaps Zdanovskis, Aleksejs Nipers, Lana Janmere
- Development prospects of milk production in various size farm groups in Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Agnese Krievina, Ilze Upite
- Projections of organic livestock farming in Latvia / Agnese Krievina, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Ilze Upite
- Projections of organic crop farming in Latvia / Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilvere, Agnese Krievina, Ilze Upite
- Land use efficiency in forestry in Latvia / I. Pilvere, A. Nipers, I. Upite, J. Zarins
- Agricultural land utilization efficiency: the case of Latvia / I. Pilvere, A. Nipers, I. Upite
- Agricultural land-use potential and investment required in Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Ilze Upite
- Loyalty of consumers to food in Latvia / Ilze Upite, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Agnese Krievina
- Administrative burden for Latvia entrepreneurs: the case of Jelgava city / Z. Bulderberga, I. Pilvere, A. Nipers, I. Upite
- Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā : zinātniska monogrāfija = Effects of protectionism instruments on the sustainable development of primary and secondary sectors : scientific monograph / Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upīte, Vineta Tetere ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Ekonomikas fakultāte.
- Evaluation of administrative burden in municipalities of Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers, Ilze Upite, Zane Bulderberga, Dina Popluga, Aina Dobele, Lasma Dobele
- Klienta maršruta attēlošanas metode : rokasgrāmata / [autori: Aleksejs Nipers, Zane Bulderberga, Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upīte; redaktore Inese Muhka].
- The EU Common Agricultural Policy implementation in Latvia / Ilze Upite, Irina Pilvere
- Economic evaluation of administrative burden for construction in Jelgava municipality / Ilze Upite, Irina Pilvere, Aleksejs Nipers
- Support measures and financial sources for fishery policy in Latvia / Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upite
- Knowledge transfer for increasing the efficiency of state administration in Latvia = Передача знаний для повышения эффективности государственного управления Латвии / Irina Pilvere, Ilze Upīte, Zane Bulderberga, Aleksejs Nipers
- Paplašinātais standarta izmaksu modelis : rokasgrāmata / [autori: Ilze Upīte, Aleksejs Nipers, Irina Pilnvere, Zane Bulderberga; redaktore Inese Muhka].
- Production of bioenergy under EAFRD support in Latvia = EAFRD poveikis bioenergijos gamybai Latvijoje / Irina Pilvere, Vineta Tetere, Ilze Upite
- Perfection of the terms of granting investment support in agriculture in Latvia = Latvijos žemės ūkio investicinio rėmimo sąlygų tobulinimas / Ilze Upīte, Irina Pilvere
- Protekcionisma instrumentu ietekme primāro un sekundāro sfēru ilgtspējīgā attīstībā = Impact of protectionism tools on sustainable development of primary spheres / I. Pilvere, V. Strīķis, I. Jakušonoka, I. Upīte, A. Nipers, J. Ozoliņš, V. Tetere, S. Kļava, L. Jankova, Z. Bulderberga
- Relationships between investment support and production in Latvian agriculture / Ilze Upīte
- Evaluation of supported investment in Latvian farms efficiency / Ilze Upīte
- Results of introducing investment support measures under programs co-financed by the EU in Latvia / Ilze Upīte
- Investment support for agricultural development in Latvia / Ilze Upite
- Support available for investments by agriculture holdings in Latvia / Ilze Upīte, Andis Rukmanis
- Theoretical, historical and economic pre-requisites of protectionism in agriculture / Ilze Upīte, Irina Pilvere
- Theoretical and economic aspects of the reformed common agricultural policy of European Union / Ilze Upīte